Last modified on 15 January, 2024

Mathematical Reports

Proceedings   Annuals Reports   Other Reports for meetings

Proceedings for International Meetings

1. Length spectrum of circles and Kaehler magnetic fields on complex space forms
Aspects of complex analysis, differential geometry, mathematical physics and applications,
S. Dimiev and K. Sekigawa eds.,
World Scientific 1999, 172-182
2. Differential geometry of circles in a complex projective space
Quaternionic Structures in Mathematics and Physics,
S. Marchiafava, P Piccinni and M. Pontecorvo eds.
World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong,
2001, 253-263 [WS-book]
  (with Sadahiro MAEDA*) ( Electoric Journal)
3. K\"ahler magnetic fields on a complex hyperbolic space
A Report on KOREA-JAPAN Joint Workshop in Mathematics 2000,
Differential Geometry and its Related Topics
-Geometry of Submanifolds and Lie Groups-
9-20, (2001)
4. Comparison theorems associated with K\"ahler magnetic fields
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Analysis, manifolds and mechanics (2003), 20--27
(M.C. Chaki Center of Mathematics and Mathematical Science)
5. Kaehler magnetic fields on a product of complex hyperbolic spaces
Trends in complex analysis, differential geometry and mathematical physics,
Stancho Dimiev and Kouei Sekigawa eds.,
World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 2003, 1--11
DOI: HP     [WS-book]
6. Circles and K\"ahler immersions
Trends in complex analysis, differential geometry and mathematical physics,
Stancho Dimiev and Kouei Sekigawa eds.,
World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 2003, 123--134
  (with Sadahiro MAEDA*)
7. Real hypersurfaces in a nonflat complex space form from the viewpoint of their geodesics �@�@[rhcs]
Topics in Almost Hermitian geometry and related fields,
Yasuo Matsushita, Eduardo Garcia Rio, Hideya Hashimoto, Takashi Koda and Takashi Oguro eds.,
World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 2005, 157--169
  (with Sadahiro MAEDA*) �@
DOI: HP     [WS-book]
8. Ordinary helices and Riemannian geometry
Contemporary aspects of complex analysis, differential geometry and mathematical physics,
Stancho Dimiev and Kouei Sekigawa eds.,
World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 2005, 14--24   (with Sadahiro MAEDA)
DOI: HP     [WS-book]
9. Geodesics and trajectories for K\"ahler magnetic fields �@[gtmf]
Contemporary aspects of complex analysis, differential geometry and mathematical physics,
Stancho Dimiev and Kouei Sekigawa eds.,
World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 2005, 1--13
DOI: HP     [WS-book]
10. Type two Killing helices of proper order four on a complex projective space [2khp]
Topics in Contemporary Differential Geometry, Complex Analysis and Mathematical Physics
Stancho Dimiev and Kouei Sekigawa eds.,
World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 2007, 9--14
  (with Sadahiro MAEDA)
DOI: HP     [WS-book]
11. Moduli space of Killing helices of low orders on a complex space form [mkhc]
Topics in Contemtorary Differential Geometry, Complex Analysis and Mathematical Physics
Stancho Dimiev and Kouei Sekigawa eds.,
World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 2007, 1--8
DOI: HP     [WS-book]
12. Geodesic spheres in a complex projective space from the viewpoint of submanifold theory in Euclidean space
  (with Sadahiro MAEDA*)
13. Extrinsic shapes of smooth curves through isometric immersions of K\"ahler manifolds [esci]
14. K\"ahler magnetic fields on K\"ahler manifolds of negative curvature, [kmfn]
Differential Geometry and its Applications 29(2011) supplement 1, S2--S8.
15. Homogeneous Hopf hypersurfaces in a complex hyperbolic space and extrinsic shapes of their trajectories
(with Tuya BAO*)
North Atlntic University Union    International Jopurnal of Pure Mathematics 4 (2017), 22--25
on line journal
16. Horocyclic circles and tubes around complex hypersurfaces in a complex hyperbolic space [PM2023-hctH]
WSEAS Transaction on Mathematics 22 (2023), 931--935 (December)
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.102
with Yusei AOKI
      Article   Journal

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Annuals Reports     (some of them are in Japanese)

1. Anosov flow �� L �֐�
������͌������u���^631�u���a��͂Ɛ��_�v(1987), 8-22
2. �A���i�u���ȌQ��p�����Š������[�}�����l�̂̃X�y�N�g����I
(Spectrum of a complete Riemannian manifold with an amenable group action I, in Japanese)
Bull. Nagoya Institute of Technology 44(1992), 93-100
3. �A���i�u���ȌQ��p�����Š������[�}�����l�̂̃X�y�N�g����II
(Spectrum of a complete Riemannian manifold with an amenable group action II, in Japanese)
Bull. Nagoya Institute of Technology 45(1993), 153-162
4. �P�[���[����̋O���Ɖ~
(Trajectories and circles of K\"ahler magnetic fields, in Japanese)
������͌������u���^907�u�������l�̂Ƃ��̊֘A����v(1995), 22-43 pdf
5. ���f��Ԍ`��̉~
(Circles in a complex space form, in Japanease)
Bull. Nagoya Institute of Technology 47(1995), 1-14
  (with Sadahiro MAEDA)
6. �~�̊�
������͌������u���^1069�u�����\���̕������l�̘_�I�����v(1998), 1-19 pdf
7. Some aspects on circles and helices in a complex projective space
Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Engineering Shimane University 32(1999), 1-8 on line journal
  (with Sadahiro MAEDA*)
8. Geometry of a complex projective space from the viewpoint of its curves and real hypersurfaces
Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Engineering Shimane University,
Series B: Mathematical Science 33(2000), 31-46 on line journal
  (with Sadahiro MAEDA*)
9. Integral curves of Killing vector fields in a complex projective space
Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Engineering Shimane University,
Series B: Mathematical Science 34(2001), 61-85 on line journal
  (with Sadahiro MAEDA*)
10. Study of submanifolds by curves of order 2
Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Engineering Shimane University,
Series B: Mathematical Science 35(2002), 1-21 on line journal
  (with Kaoru SUIZU*, Sadahiro MAEDA#)
11. Circles and hypersurfaces in space forms
Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Engineering Shimane University,
Series B: Mathematical Science 36(2003), 1-9 on line journal
  (with Kaoru SUIZU*, Sadahiro MAEDA#)
12. �K��1�̑Ώ̋�Ԃɂ�����Ȑ��ƕ������l��
���w56(2004), 33--48, (no. 1)
  (with Sadahiro MAEDA)
12' Curves and submanifolds in symmetric spaces of rank one (English Translation)
S\~ugaku Expositions, 19(2006), 217--235 (no. 2)
  (with Sadahiro MAEDA)
13. Homogeneous closed curves in geidesic spheres in a complex projective space from the viewpoint of submanifold theory
Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Engineering Shimane University,
Series B: Mathematical Science 41(2008), 133--141 on line journal
�@�@�@  (with Sadahiro MAEDA*)

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Other Reports for meetings     (in Japanese)

2. �uHadamard K\"ahler ���l�̏�̋O���@�`�O���n�[�v�̔�r�藝�`�v
�����w���H�w�� 2012.3.5--3.7
3. �u�A�_�}�[���E�P�[���[���l�̏�̋O���n�[�v�v
Geometry and Analysis Fukuoka 2017,
������w�Z�~�i�[�n�E�X 2017.11.3--11.6

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